Susan is so much more than a number cruncher! She is a trusted guide for my business. Whenever I’m feeling stressed about my numbers, Susan is there with a listening ear, a calm presence, and wise counsel. Since I’ve been working with her, my numbers (and enjoyment level as an entrepreneur) have steadily been increasing. While there’s no “magic wand” in business, Susan is the next best thing. I highly recommend her! - Kim Evans, Kim Evans Studio

Thank you so much, Susan! You truly are making my life better and easier ;)  - Nozomi Morgan, CEO - Michiki Morgan Worldwide

While running businesses for 25 years, I've tried a lot of things to track numbers and manage cash flow. Working with an inconsistent income has always been a challenge. Add to that the fact that I would rather do just about anything than sit down with a spreadsheet and a checkbook, and you have a mess in the making. 

I'm smart, and organized, but nothing I've ever tried has really worked in this area of business. Two years ago, I found myself in tears over it. I was so frustrated; I felt like an idiot. Why couldn't I do this? Because this isn't my genius work - and something needed to change. That's when I hired Susan. 

Best. Decision. Ever.

Today, I know exactly what my numbers are AND what they mean. I no longer feel stupid - I feel empowered. And Susan's ability to guide and reflect has helped me think about money in entirely new ways. I keep telling her she's more than just a bookkeeper. She's a money magician who is helping me make peace with profit in a way I never knew was possible. I am so, so grateful. - Wendy Pitts Reeves, L.C.S.W - Business Coach and Mentor

My business was growing quickly and I wasn't able to keep up with simple spreadsheets anymore. Susan set up systems using software that was much better suited to our needs, and ensured that everything had its place. She also makes sure I get regular reports about my business in a way that I really understood and can work with, which makes it much easier to decide about the future of my business. I highly recommend her!Brandi Bernoskie, Alchemy + Aim