Numbers and I have a long history together.

I trust them and they help me do right by my clients. It’s been that way for the past 35 years.


It pains my heart to meet smart, talented and passionate entrepreneurs who are being held back in their business by their current bookkeeping system. Honestly, it can be so much easier for them and for you! My approach to bookkeeping is real time because you can't always trust 30-day-old numbers when it comes to the health of your business.

I check in daily on my client’s business accounts to ensure they have the financial information they need to make informed decisions.

I’d love to help you do the same.


An Interview with Susan Penner

1. I already have a CPA, so why would I need a bookkeeper too? Don’t they do the same thing?  

A bookkeeper and a CPA have different roles. Your CPA takes the information you give her, regardless of whether it’s correct, and does everything she must do to compile and file your tax return. Her job is to keep you compliant with tax law in the prior year. That's it.

A bookkeeper tracks your income and expense through the current year. Her job is to keep your books up to date and in balance. You are then able to make decisions in real time. Then, at year’s end, your financial information arrives clean and correct for your CPA to do your tax preparation.

Besides, having your CPA do the work of a bookkeeper is a lot more expensive.


2. How would this work? What do you actually do?

All of my work is done virtually and all of our communications will be by email and phone. All bank and credit card accounts are hooked to my bookkeeping program, Xero, and transactions are uploaded through secure bank feeds.

As transactions come in, I balance activity in real time so that when you have questions or must make any decision requiring current information, we will work together to make sure you have everything you need when you need it.

I am available by email and will usually reply within 24 hours. We also schedule regular calls to review your numbers and if there are times when you need extra support, I am happy to help.


3. It freaks me out to think about sharing my financial details with someone else. What all do I have to share with you?

If we are to work together most effectively, it is important that I have access to all the financial details of your business. This serves you in some very important ways:

  • We clearly see what the business owns and what it owes.
  • Knowing and understanding your numbers gives you high confidence and clarity.
  • We assess opportunities and threats, and work on plans to deal with both.
  • We face all your numbers head on, getting a handle on reality without judgement.

My clients are constantly telling me how much better they feel to have their books completely balanced and up-to-date. They aren’t pulling any more all-night DIYs with tears and fears and frustration just to keep their business moving forward.


4. How are you different from other bookkeepers?

I have owned and managed small businesses for past 35 years. I’ve seen business tools, techniques and practices come and go. However, there is one constant and that is the need for reliable, accurate and consistent bookkeeping.

I bring that, as any bookkeeper can, but I also bring creativity, intuition and an understanding of the unique challenges women entrepreneurs face. I teach, encourage and empower.

We work guilt and shame free. And we become a team.


5. What kind of clients or businesses do you work best with?

I work with women entrepreneurs who are at cause in their business. That means that every day they recommit to their mission and core principles. They face their numbers and work to understand them without self-judgement, knowing that ultimately, their courage is essential to their success.


6. Who do you NOT work so well with?

I don’t work well with clients that want to be rescued, or who are unable or unwilling to face their numbers head on. For them, it always comes down to fear: fear of looking at their own numbers, fear of me (I’m not scary!) and fear of making mistakes.

We are a team, sharing the load and dealing with the hard stuff together. I’m the detail person. I make sure the numbers are complete and correct and share that with you. You are the visionary. You make your best decisions with the information I provide.  

My clients proudly, bravely and imperfectly embrace the role of CEO.


7. What kind of results can I expect if I work with you? How would this help me in my business?

Hiring a bookkeeper changes your business and how you feel about it.

  • You gain more time to generate income.
  • Your taxes will be done on time.
  • Receipts are no longer piled high on your desk.
  • You know your numbers and speak with confidence about your business.

You serve your clients with improved focus, you inspire your team to greater productivity and you revel in the community that you have created. The support I provide creates the space entrepreneurs need to truly become leaders.


8. I really hate dealing with this part of my business, and I just want to hire someone to do it for me. Can you do that?

Most of my clients sincerely believe this. But once you discover the joy of stepping up and owning your numbers, what you find is that you hated compiling and recording those numbers. Since I take that task on and guide you through the process of understanding it all, you’ll find yourself stepping into your business in a whole new way.


9.What do I have to have in place before I work with you? Do I have to understand QuickBooks?

No understanding of Quickbooks or any other bookkeeping program is necessary. I take your information as it is, not once it’s been “organized.” I always tell prospective clients that if you wait to work with me once you’re organized, I’ll never hear from you again!

All I need to get going is access to your current year activity in the form of bank and credit card statements, any spreadsheets, Quickbooks or Quicken files you have and your prior year’s business tax return.

I handle the technical part and once I am set up, I’ll teach you how to read the statements that chart your progress. Soon you are stepping confidently into your CEO role!


10. I’m terrible at numbers. Do you really think you can help me?

Of course I can. Just take the Entrepreneur's Self-Assessment below and schedule a call to see if working with me is right for you. (You will receive the scheduling link once I receive your Self Assessment.) I'm looking forward to hearing from you!